10 Common Misconceptions About Car Accident Claims in St. Louis

10 Common Misconceptions About Car Accident Claims in St. Louis

Table of Contents


Car accidents are abrupt, chaotic events that can leave lasting physical, emotional, and financial ramifications. Amid the confusion following a collision, understanding the intricacies of car accident claims in St. Louis becomes paramount. Misconceptions and lack of knowledge often hinder individuals from securing the rightful compensation they deserve.

St. Louis, nestled along the banks of the Mississippi River, is a bustling city teeming with traffic, making car accidents an unfortunate reality for many residents. However, navigating the aftermath of such incidents isn’t straightforward. The laws, procedures, and misconceptions surrounding car accident claims add layers of complexity that demand clarity.

Understanding these intricacies isn’t just about legal jargon or technicalities; it’s about safeguarding your rights and ensuring fair treatment in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Too often, victims of car accidents are misled or dissuaded by myths that cloud their judgment, preventing them from pursuing the compensation owed to them.

This article aims to dismantle ten prevailing misconceptions surrounding car accident claims in St. Louis, shedding light on the truths that empower individuals to make informed decisions. Whether you’re a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or anyone affected by a car accident, grasping the realities behind these claims can make a profound difference in your pursuit of justice and rightful recompense.

Misconception 1: “If I’m partially at fault, I can’t claim compensation.”

Missouri’s comparative fault law is a crucial aspect of car accident claims in St. Louis. It fundamentally impacts how compensation is determined when multiple parties share responsibility for an accident. Here’s an explanation:

Missouri’s Comparative Fault Law: Understanding Shared Responsibility

Missouri operates under a legal principle known as “pure comparative fault.” This principle is a key factor in determining compensation in personal injury cases, including car accidents.

What Is Pure Comparative Fault?

Pure comparative fault is a legal doctrine that allocates fault and compensation based on each party’s degree of responsibility in an accident. In simpler terms, it means that even if you are partially at fault for an accident, you can still seek compensation for damages.

How Does it Work in Car Accident Cases?

In a car accident scenario, each party involved is evaluated for their percentage of fault. For example, if one driver is found 80% responsible for an accident, while the other driver holds 20% responsibility, their compensation will be adjusted accordingly.

Key Points to Note:

  1. No Bar to Recovery: Even if you are deemed 99% responsible for an accident, you can still pursue compensation for the remaining 1% of damages.
  2. Reduced Compensation: However, the compensation you receive will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For instance, if you’re found 30% at fault, your total compensation will be decreased by 30%.
  3. Multiple Parties: This law applies even when multiple parties share fault. Each party’s degree of responsibility will be determined, and their compensation adjusted accordingly.

Importance for Claimants:

Understanding Missouri’s comparative fault law is vital for claimants. It underscores the need for strong evidence and legal representation to accurately determine fault percentages. Insurance companies often try to attribute more fault to claimants to minimize payouts, making legal expertise crucial in negotiating fair compensation.

Misconception 2: “I don’t need a lawyer; I can handle the claim myself.”

Having legal representation in car accident claims in St. Louis offers numerous advantages that can significantly impact the outcome of a case. Here’s a breakdown:

The Benefits of Legal Representation in Car Accident Claims

1. Understanding of Legal Procedures:

  • Attorneys possess a deep understanding of the legal framework and procedural intricacies specific to car accident claims in St. Louis. They navigate paperwork, deadlines, and court procedures efficiently.

2. Experience in Negotiations:

  • Skilled attorneys are adept negotiators, capable of engaging with insurance companies or opposing counsels to secure fair settlements. They ensure that claimants aren’t coerced into accepting inadequate offers.

3. Evidence Gathering and Presentation:

  • Lawyers have the resources and expertise to gather crucial evidence, including accident reports, witness testimonies, medical records, and expert opinions. They present this evidence effectively to support the claimant’s case.

4. Legal Strategy Development:

  • Crafting a strategic approach tailored to the specifics of each case is a forte of legal professionals. They analyze the circumstances, assess liabilities, and develop a robust strategy for favorable outcomes.

5. Understanding Comparative Fault:

  • Lawyers proficiently handle complex comparative fault scenarios, ensuring accurate determination of fault percentages to maximize compensation for their clients.

6. Protection from Legal Pitfalls:

  • Legal representation shields claimants from potential pitfalls like missing deadlines, making inadvertent legal errors, or being misled by insurance companies into settling for less than deserved.

7. Objective Advice and Advocacy:

  • Attorneys provide objective advice based on legal expertise rather than emotions. They advocate fiercely for their clients’ best interests, alleviating the stress of navigating the legal process alone.

8. Maximizing Compensation:

  • Ultimately, legal representation aims to maximize the compensation rightfully owed to the claimant by accurately assessing damages and fighting for fair recompense for injuries, suffering, lost wages, and other losses.

Engaging legal representation in car accident claims in St. Louis isn’t merely about having a legal expert on your side. It’s about leveraging their knowledge, experience, and advocacy to level the playing field against powerful insurance companies and ensuring that justice is served for the victims of car accidents.

Misconception 3: “All car accident claims go to trial.”

The vast majority of car accident claims in St. Louis are resolved through settlements outside of court. Here’s an exploration of why and how this occurs:

Settling Car Accident Claims: Understanding Out-of-Court Resolutions

1. Economic Efficiency:

  • For both parties involved, settling out of court can be more cost-effective than pursuing a trial. Litigation involves legal fees, court costs, and considerable time. Settling avoids these expenses.

2. Time Savings:

  • Court proceedings can be lengthy, often extending for months or even years. Settling outside of court allows for a quicker resolution, enabling claimants to receive compensation faster.

3. Control Over Outcomes:

  • Settling grants both parties more control over the outcome. Claimants can negotiate terms and reach an agreement that suits their needs, whereas in court, the decision lies with a judge or jury.

4. Reduced Stress and Uncertainty:

  • Court proceedings can be emotionally draining and uncertain. Settling avoids the stress of trial, providing a more predictable resolution.

5. Confidentiality:

  • Settlements often come with confidentiality agreements. This can be advantageous for both parties, as details of the case remain private, protecting reputations and privacy.

6. Preserving Relationships:

  • In cases involving acquaintances or business relationships, settling out of court can help maintain these relationships by avoiding adversarial courtroom confrontations.

7. Mutual Benefit:

  • Both claimants and defendants might find a settlement mutually beneficial. Defendants avoid admitting fault in a public forum, while claimants receive compensation without the need for extended legal battles.

Legal Representation’s Role in Settlements:

Skilled attorneys play a pivotal role in negotiating settlements. They leverage their negotiation skills and legal expertise to advocate for fair compensation on behalf of their clients, ensuring that terms are favorable and adequately cover damages.

While trials have their place in certain circumstances, settling car accident claims out of court often presents a more pragmatic, efficient, and less stressful route to resolution. However, the guidance of experienced legal professionals is crucial to secure equitable settlements that meet the needs of claimants in St. Louis.

Misconception 4: “Insurance companies always offer fair settlements.”

Insurance companies often employ several tactics to minimize payouts in car accident claims:

Delaying Tactics:

Insurance companies might intentionally prolong the claims process. Lengthy delays can lead to financial strain on claimants, pushing them to consider accepting lower settlements due to mounting bills and financial pressures.

Quick Settlement Offers:

Initially, insurers might offer seemingly expedient settlements. However, these offers typically undervalue the full extent of injuries, damages, and ongoing expenses. Accepting such swift settlements could result in claimants receiving far less than the compensation they deserve.

Disputing Liability or Minimizing Injuries:

Insurers may attempt to shift liability onto the claimant, alleging contributory negligence or downplaying the severity of injuries sustained in the accident. They might argue that the injuries are minor or suggest they were pre-existing, aiming to reduce the settlement amount.

Using Recorded Statements Against Claimants:

Insurance adjusters often request recorded statements from claimants. These statements can be manipulated or taken out of context to undermine the claimant’s case, potentially reducing the settlement offer.

Offering Seemingly Fair Settlements Early:

Some insurers might offer seemingly fair settlements early in the process, hoping to dissuade claimants from seeking legal advice. These offers, while appearing reasonable, often fail to account for future medical expenses or ongoing losses.

Legal Representation:

Navigating these tactics necessitates the expertise of legal representation. St. Louis Car Attorneys protect claimants from these strategies by understanding the nuances of insurance negotiations, ensuring that they receive fair compensation that accurately reflects their damages and losses.

Insurance companies employ various strategies to minimize payouts, leveraging claimants’ vulnerabilities to settle for less. Seeking legal counsel helps level the playing field, enabling claimants to counter these tactics and negotiate for fair compensation that considers the full extent of their injuries and damages resulting from the car accident.

Misconception 6: “My injuries seem minor; I won’t pursue a claim.”

Delayed symptoms and long-term effects are common occurrences after a car accident, often catching individuals off guard due to their unexpected nature:

Delayed Symptoms:

Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries:

  • Symptoms like neck pain, headaches, and stiffness might not manifest immediately after an accident. These can appear hours or days later, indicating whiplash or soft tissue injuries.

Concussions and Head Injuries:

  • Head injuries might not display immediate symptoms but can surface later, leading to cognitive issues, memory problems, or mood changes.

Internal Injuries:

  • Internal bleeding, organ damage, or other internal injuries may not present noticeable symptoms initially, posing significant risks if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Long-Term Effects:

Chronic Pain:

  • Injuries sustained in a car accident, especially spinal injuries or nerve damage, can result in chronic pain that persists long after the accident.

Emotional and Psychological Impact:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or phobias can develop over time, affecting mental health due to the traumatic experience of the accident.

Cognitive and Neurological Issues:

  • Traumatic brain injuries can lead to long-term cognitive issues, affecting memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function.

Legal Implications:

Delayed symptoms and long-term effects can complicate car accident claims, especially if symptoms arise after the initial settlement or legal proceedings. Claimants might not initially realize the full extent of their injuries, leading to inadequate compensation if settlements were accepted too early.

Importance of Medical Attention and Legal Assistance:

Prompt medical attention post-accident is crucial, even if no immediate symptoms are apparent. Additionally, seeking legal counsel helps protect claimants’ rights, ensuring that potential long-term effects are considered in the claims process and that adequate compensation covers ongoing medical treatments and future losses resulting from these delayed symptoms.

Delayed symptoms and long-term effects from car accidents can significantly impact an individual’s health and well-being, often necessitating ongoing medical care. Understanding the potential for these delayed issues emphasizes the importance of thorough medical evaluations and legal guidance to secure appropriate compensation that accounts for both immediate and future effects stemming from the accident.

Misconception 7: “Only the driver can claim compensation.”

Passengers, pedestrians, and others involved in a car accident can also seek compensation for their injuries and losses, irrespective of their role as non-drivers:


Injured in a Vehicle:

  • Passengers injured in a car accident, regardless of which vehicle they were in, can file claims against the at-fault driver’s insurance or other negligent parties involved in the accident.


Struck by a Vehicle:

  • Pedestrians hit by a vehicle have the right to claim compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance. Pedestrians are often considered vulnerable road users and are entitled to compensation for their injuries.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:

  • If the driver responsible for the accident doesn’t have adequate insurance, pedestrians might be covered by their uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or other insurance policies they hold.

Others Involved:


  • Bicyclists involved in car accidents can claim compensation, often treated similarly to pedestrians due to their vulnerability on the road.

Passersby and Nearby Property Owners:

  • Individuals not directly involved but affected by the accident, such as passersby injured or property owners with damaged premises, may also seek compensation from the liable parties.

Legal Assistance:

Regardless of their role in the accident, seeking legal representation is crucial for these individuals. Lawyers help in determining liability, assessing damages, and navigating the claims process to ensure they receive fair compensation for their injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and other losses resulting from the accident.

Passengers, pedestrians, and others involved in car accidents have the legal right to claim compensation for their injuries and losses. Understanding their rights and seeking legal advice can help these individuals pursue rightful compensation and navigate the complexities of insurance claims or legal proceedings resulting from the accident.

Misconception 8: “Filing a claim will take years to resolve.”

The timeline for car accident claims in St. Louis can vary widely based on numerous factors, including the complexity of the case, severity of injuries, negotiations with insurance companies, and the potential need for legal proceedings. However, a general outline of the typical timeline might look like this:

Immediate Aftermath:

Medical Attention:

  • Seek immediate medical treatment for any injuries sustained in the accident, even if symptoms appear minor initially.

Accident Report and Documentation:

  • Report the accident to the authorities and gather evidence, including photos, witness information, and relevant documents (police reports, insurance details).

Initial Claims Process:

Notification to Insurance Companies:

  • Notify your insurance company about the accident. They’ll start the claims process, which includes an investigation and assessment of damages.

Evaluation of Damages:

  • Assess the extent of damages, including property damage and injuries. This includes gathering medical records and estimates for vehicle repairs.

Negotiations and Settlement Attempts:

Negotiations with Insurance Companies:

  • Negotiate with insurance adjusters for a fair settlement. This might involve multiple rounds of negotiation to reach an agreeable compensation amount.

Potential Legal Proceedings:

Filing a Lawsuit:

  • If a fair settlement isn’t reached or if there are disputes regarding liability or compensation, filing a lawsuit might be necessary.

Discovery Phase:

  • This phase involves gathering evidence, witness testimonies, and exchanging information between parties involved in the lawsuit.

Mediation or Pre-Trial Settlement:

  • Before trial, parties might opt for mediation or settlement conferences to resolve the case without going to court.

Court Proceedings and Trial:

  • If the case proceeds to trial, the court will hear arguments, examine evidence, and a judge or jury will render a verdict.


The entire process from the accident to settlement or trial can span several months to a few years, depending on the complexities of the case, negotiations, and any legal proceedings. It’s essential to have patience and work closely with legal representation to ensure that all aspects of the claim are appropriately addressed and that fair compensation is pursued for injuries and damages resulting from the car accident.

Misconception 9: “Accepting the first settlement offer is best.”

Initial offers from insurance companies in car accident claims often tend to be lower than what claimants may actually deserve for several reasons:

Risk Management for Insurers:

  • Minimizing Payouts: Insurance companies aim to minimize their financial liabilities. Offering lower initial settlements reduces their immediate payouts and improves their financial position.

Incomplete Information:

  • Limited Information: Initially, insurers may not have all the details regarding the full extent of injuries, damages, or future medical needs. They base their offers on preliminary information, often undervaluing the claim.

Quick Closure:

  • Prompt Settlements: Insurers may offer quick settlements to close the case swiftly. This approach might pressure claimants into accepting lower offers before understanding the full scope of their injuries and losses.

Preying on Vulnerabilities:

  • Financial Pressures: Insurers may exploit claimants’ financial strains after an accident, assuming they might be more willing to accept lower offers due to mounting bills and financial pressures.

Legal Representation’s Role:

  • Countering Lowball Offers: Having legal representation is crucial in countering these low initial offers. Attorneys can evaluate the true value of the claim, negotiate effectively, and advocate for fair compensation that aligns with the claimant’s needs.

Importance of Patience:

  • Avoiding Hasty Decisions: Claimants should avoid hastily accepting initial offers. Patience is key, as it allows for a thorough assessment of injuries and damages, ensuring that compensation covers all present and future losses resulting from the accident.

Initial low offers from insurance companies often stem from a desire to limit payouts and close cases quickly. Claimants should be cautious, seek legal advice, and refrain from accepting settlements until the full extent of their injuries and losses is known, ensuring that they receive fair compensation that accurately reflects the impact of the accident.

Misconception 10: “I can’t afford a car accident attorney.”

Car accident attorneys typically offer various fee structures, with contingency fees being a common arrangement:

Contingency Fees:

  • No Upfront Payments: Under a contingency fee agreement, clients don’t pay attorney fees upfront. Instead, attorneys receive a percentage (usually between 25-40%) of the final settlement or court award if the case is successful.
  • Risk Sharing: Attorneys bear the risk of not being compensated if the case isn’t successful. This fee structure motivates lawyers to work diligently as their payment is contingent upon obtaining a favorable outcome for the client.
  • Beneficial for Clients: Contingency fees allow access to legal representation regardless of financial status. Clients aren’t burdened with upfront costs and only pay if they win the case.

Hourly Rates:

  • Payment Per Hour: Some attorneys charge an hourly rate for their services. Clients are billed for the hours worked on the case, including meetings, research, and court appearances.
  • Retainer Fees: Attorneys may require an upfront retainer fee, which is an advance payment against future services. They deduct hourly fees from this retainer, and any unused portion might be refunded.

Flat Fees:

  • Fixed Amount: In certain cases, attorneys charge a flat fee for specific services, such as drafting legal documents or handling straightforward cases with predictable workloads.

Mixed Fee Structures:

  • Hybrid Approaches: Attorneys may employ a combination of fee structures. For instance, a reduced hourly rate with a contingency fee based on the final settlement or award.

Choosing the Right Fee Structure:

  • Consider Case Complexity: Contingency fees might be more suitable for complex cases with potentially high settlements, while hourly rates might be preferable for less intricate matters.
  • Discuss with Attorney: Clients should discuss fee structures with their attorney to understand the terms, potential costs, and implications of each arrangement before proceeding.

Fee structures for car accident attorneys vary, and selecting the appropriate one depends on the case’s specifics and the client’s preferences. Contingency fees often provide access to legal representation without upfront costs and align the attorney’s interest with obtaining the best possible outcome for the client.


seeking legal advice following a car accident is pivotal to protect one’s rights and ensure a fair outcome. Dispelling common myths and misconceptions further empowers individuals in safeguarding their interests:

Importance of Seeking Legal Advice:

Protecting Rights:

  • Legal counsel helps individuals understand their rights, ensuring they aren’t taken advantage of by insurance companies or misled into accepting inadequate settlements.

Navigating Complexities:

  • Attorneys navigate the intricate legal procedures, gather evidence, assess damages, and negotiate on behalf of their clients, easing the burden of the claims process.

Maximizing Compensation:

  • Skilled attorneys aim to maximize compensation by accurately evaluating damages, including future losses, medical expenses, and pain and suffering.

Dispelling Myths for Informed Decisions:

Avoiding Misconceptions:

  • Understanding the realities of car accident claims dispels myths that could lead to detrimental decisions, such as assuming partial fault bars compensation or accepting lowball settlement offers.

Timely Action:

  • Myth: “I have plenty of time to file a claim.” Reality: Missouri has a statute of limitations, emphasizing the importance of timely action after an accident.

Protecting Against Unfair Tactics:

  • Knowing the tactics used by insurance companies dispels the myth of always receiving fair settlements, empowering individuals to counter these strategies with legal guidance.

Seeking legal advice and dispelling misconceptions are crucial steps after a car accident. By understanding their rights, avoiding common myths, and securing legal assistance, individuals protect themselves from unfair treatment, ensure their rights are upheld, and enhance their chances of receiving fair compensation for their losses. This proactive approach empowers individuals to navigate the claims process confidently, safeguarding their interests and well-being.

If you’ve been in a car accident or have questions about your rights and the claims process, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to provide guidance, support, and valuable insights to help you navigate this challenging time.

Whether you need a consultation to discuss the specifics of your case or simply seek more information about your legal options, we’re dedicated to offering the assistance you need. Your peace of mind and fair compensation are our priorities.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about how we can help you protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

About the Author

Jelani Aitch, Esq. is a distinguished personal injury attorney based in Missouri, boasting over a decade of legal expertise. Specializing in cases involving automobile accidents and medical malpractice, he has a well-earned reputation for his tenacity and deep understanding of civil trial procedures. Aitch’s commitment to his clients goes beyond the courtroom, as he offers compassionate and tailored legal counsel to those affected by life-altering incidents. His dedication to justice and client welfare has established him as a trusted advisor in the legal community.